Scholar, Political Commentator, Public Servant
Henry R. Nau
“The Biden Doctrines," National Review, February 2024.
“Why Nation-Building Is Inevitable," Providence, August 31, 2021.
“What Trump Gets Right about U.S. Foreign Policy,” The National Interest, April 30, 2020.
“Why ‘Conservative,’ Not Liberal Internationalism?,” Orbis: Special Issue, Winter, Volume 62, Issue 1, 2018, dedicated to Professor Nau’s book, Conservative Internationalism.
“Freedom, Defense and Sovereignty: A Conservative Internationalist Foreign Policy,” Policy Roundtable: The Future of Conservative Internationalism, Texas National Security Review, November 30, 2018.
"Trump's Conservative Internationalism." National Review. August 28, 2017.
"The Difference Reagan Made." Claremont Review of Books. February 1, 2017.
"America's International Nationalism." The American Interest. January 6, 2017.
“How Restraint Leads to War: The Real Danger of the Iran Deal." Commentary. July/August 2015.
“Conservative Internationalism.” National Review. September 30, 2013.
"The Jigsaw Puzzle & the Chessboard: The Making and Unmaking of Foreign Policy in the Age of Obama." Commentary. May 2012.
"Ideas Have Consequences: The Cold War and Today." International Politics. July 2011.
"Why We Fight Over Foreign Policy." Policy Review. April/May 2007.
Book Chapters
“Trump and America’s Foreign Policy Traditions,” in Stanley Renshon and Peter Suedfeld, eds., The Trump Doctrine and the Emerging International System, Palgrave/Macmillan, 2021.
"The 'Great Expansion': The Economic Legacy of Ronald Reagan." Reagan's Legacy in a World Transformed. Edited by Jeffrey L. Chidester and Paul Kengor. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 2015. 24-37.
"Identity and the Balance of Power in Asia." International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific. Edited by G. John Ikenberry and Michael Mastanduno. New York: Columbia University Press, 2003. 214-241.
Book Reviews
“Flirting with Isolation,” a Review of John J. Mearsheimer, The Great Delusion, Claremont Review of Books, May 30, 2019.
Review of David C. Hendrickson’s book, Republic in Peril, in H-Diplo, an online publication of the International Security Studies Forum (ISSF), December 2018.
Review of three books on U.S. Foreign Policy: Eliot Cohen (The Big Stick), Robert Kaufman (Dangerous Doctrine) and Robert Lieber (Retreat and Its Consequences) in H-Diplo, an online publication of the International Security Studies Forum (ISSF), October 2017
"Is the Biden Doctrine Obama Redux?" in S. A. Renshon and P. Suedfeld (eds.), The Trump and Biden Doctrines,
Springer Studies in American Politics, 2024